Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Three Brothers

Three Brothers

Once, there were three brothers.

The first brother was naturally outspoken, open, confident and optimistic about everything.

The second brother was intelligent but shy and introverted, and was humble and caring to others.

The third brother had a mind of evil, looked at everything in a negative way and was very pessimistic.

Despite their differences, they got along. One day, they decided to split up, and it was so.

The first brother embarked on a journey to become successful in life. Everywhere he went, he made a good impression on other people and gained recognition for his outstanding leadership skills. Everybody knew him, everybody liked him, everybody listened to him, and seeing that his ways were not ways of wrong, he was happy. But inside, he felt nobody truly understood him for who he was.

The second brother wanted to find some place quiet and simply allowed himself to be alone and away from people. He made a few friends, which he cared for and helped as he could. He gained recognition for his great wisdom and intelligence, yet remained humble at the face of praise, and seeing that his ways were not those of wrong, he was happy. But inside, he felt nobody truly understood him for who he was.

The third brother plotted and schemed and committed many terrible deeds, gaining recognition for his lack of remorse and utter indifference to other people's feelings. He saw no use in caring about other people's feelings and exploited those whose trust he gained. He found many people like him, and felt that his ways were not those of wrong, and he was happy. But inside, he felt nobody truly understood him for who he was.

Life is short.

Soon enough, they were old and couldn't travel anymore. They decided to meet in a park they used to visit when they were young children. Three brothers of different characters, morals, ideals and ways of thinking, each having led his own life, come together once again after a lifetime of adventures. Seeing each other again, none of them thought they'd come back so different. As the three old brothers sat on a park bench and stared into the distance, admiring the fluffy clouds and flocks of birds, each ponders on his life. The things they did, their impacts on other people, contributions to society, the stuff old people think about usually.

As the sun sets, they look at each other and smile.

They then whip out their phones and compare Flappy Bird high scores.

Written by Bruce Ng, 2014